Category Archives: Uncategorized
doodle 142
doodle 141
More fiddling with linux audio stuff.
Got Sooper Looper
working last night. Had it setup to be controlled via an old
ART x-15 midi controller pedal I had. Pretty cool.
Figured out more about settings up stuff for low latency
as well.
Thinking more and more about trying to put together
some dedicated hardware for this stuff.
went to halloween at badger and katzj‘s places
Friday Night. Stay to way too early in the morning at katzj’s.
Spent most of the weekend attempting to avoid sinus headaches. Fun!
Went to trivial last night. Won. For the third week in a row. Not
bad. And beat, no, destroyed A in frogger. Again.
Was confused again, as seems to be typical. More so than usual
this time.