USAF Museum Engine Gallery

Apparently, the Air Force has a Engine Museum. Thats cool.

Appropriately timed, since as I tried to sleep last night, and
the just a bit too much sudafed kept me awake, I starting
thinking about engine designs, and how far you could push
the boundaries. Aka, say, a 1.5 liter inline twelve (not
that far from mid 80’s Formula 1 engines). Or a multiple
row radial 2 stroke (perhaps made from junked dirt bike
engines…). Or even a modern radial/rotary (aka, like
a radial, but the old style where the cylinders actually
rotate about a fixed crankshaft).

But I digress.

Another similar link, World War I Aircraft Engines

Todays “learn things you probabaly knew if you ever had a reason to actually think about it”

flotsam floats, jetsam sinks.

Which sounds almost poetic…

a boat hits a mine
the floatsam floats, jetsam sinks.
cherry blossoms fall.

So, apprently the Tommy Gun cd release party show
at The Garage, is going to feature Robbie Rist.
Aka, cousin oliver from The Brady Bunch.
