Spent yesterday mostly catching up on email and whatnot.

Went to trivia, we were down a team member but did
okay. Didn’t win, but we did ace the music round even
sans our music expert.

Stayed later than usual. Ended up talking to some
folks about learning fabrication skills. Seems everyone
(especially software geeks) wants to learn how to
weld/fabricate/etc these days.

Makes me wonder if it would be possible to start up
some sort of coop machine/shop garage. Or just start
one up as a business. The health club/gym business
model would seem to apply well. (aka, get 500 people
to pay $100 a year to use equipment they could never
afford, and then expect 50 people to actually show up…)
You could even have “personal fabricators” to help
with the hard stuff/training/etc.

So, say someone was interested in buying a house. But wanted
to at least explore the option of something slightly out
of the ordinary. Say, loft space, an abandoned factory,
semi commercial space, etc. In the raleigh area…

Where would one find info about this?

more welding and torching

Decided I need a coat rack as my apartment only has bedroom
closets and my jackets always end up in the middle of the
living room floor.

Then I decided to build one.

So $130 in metal later, I started on one. Decided it
was a good excuse to learn how to use a oxy-acetylene
cutting torch. Hmmm, fire.

Didn’t finish it, but got the base done. Need to figure out
some idea what I want to do for the top.