For those about to rock on short notice, we salute you

House concert in raleigh, band The Prids

Should be cool. Sorta kind of gothy shoegazy
kind of stuff. Saw them yesterday, enjoyed the show
greatly. Everyone in the area should go.

And it’s not my house. Its a house near
Edwards Mill road. Doors open at 8pm,
show starts at 9pm. Should be done
around 11pm’ish I’d guess.

Admission is free. The band will be
selling cd’s for any one interested.

Email or reply for details/directions/etc.

Today I named a config variable “globStoppers”.

That makes me happy.

It will probabaly get removed before it ever
hits the public, but alas.

Trivia night. Not so well, 3rd or 4th place.

Played two games of Frogger with Anna. She won the first. I won the second.