Lowe Lug Nut, Inc.

So, browsing the web, looking for info on any
local metal fabrication classes. And though
various links, find myself at the above site.

Apparently these guys have made a lot of money
by engineering a better lug nut.

For some reason, I think thats cool.

And it actually indicates one very useful aspect
of having lots of NASCAR racing in the area. There
are some apparently very good metal fab shops in
NC. Albeit, mostly in the charlotte area.

Making things is cool.

Left work, ran by A.C. Moore to pick up some stuff. Went home, put another
coat or two fo clear coat, on the fuzz pedal.

Then header over to “Recess” at the Skylight in Chapel Hill with badger.
Pretty good show. Good venue for that kind of show. The pacing and volume
was just about right. Good varity of perfomances. Solo improv sax, processed
coutry blues slide sitar, heavily proccessed electronic percusion, and
feedback/drone/harsh noise. Very nice.

Pretty good turnout as well for that kind of show. Hopefully they will
be able to keep it going, since they plan to do it monthly.

Finished the fuzz. Baked the finish a bit to harden it, reinstalled all
the compoents. Rigged up a batter holder. Seems to work. It’s
a bit harsher fuzz than I initially though once I actually hooked it
up to a guitar. Could actually be useful.