So todays fun. Come home yesterday and find an eviction notice on my door. Uh, wtf?
The letter indicates no payment. Quick check of my records indicate they are on crack.
Call the bank “we sent them the check, they havent cashed it”. Call to the apartment
office “You claim I didnt pay. I did. Please unbreak”. Them “uhhhh. let me call you
back”. I call them back an hour or two later after talking to the bank. Apartment: “Oh,
you meant this check. Uh yeah. We lost that one. Or something. You must of like
mailed it to us or something. Were not so good with those. We’ll cash it now”.

Uh huh. Yeah. You do that.

I hate mornings.

Apparently, they sell these weird pens made of wood with some sort of carbon
composite tip in them. And they are cheap!

graphing friendster

Graphing Friendster

I heart graphing social networks. I suspect the friendster folks have
much more interesting graphs, seeing they have direct access to
the data. Of course, graphviz is cool, but still pretty unwieldy for
this size of data.

Page include some other links about graphing social networks.

Though beware, the link to the “Visual Thesauraus” kills my
galeon dead.


Process note for the process geeks like myself. The starting point for this image
was the ink bleed though from doodle113 on the previous page. Which makes me
think the idea could make for an interesting series or collaborative project.