Woohoo, what a craptactular scan/photo.

That 18×24 inches and detailed, so a bit hard to scan. Didn’t add
anything for a few days and decided it was done.

Nova showed the B-29 Frozen
in Time
episode again last night. If you have never seen that episode I strongly
suggest you track down a copy. Very memorable. Even more so if your a aircraft geek.
I’d explain what makes it so memorable, but that would kind of ruin it.

Watching it the second time is kind of depressing though.

Just before lunch, had a bizarre conversation. In a manner of about two minutes the
conversation went from “whats that cable for?” to a discussion of kernel internals,
the ntp protocol, military time servers, rudiments of gps tech, details of the
rs232 protocol, a definition of “phaselock”, cable laying tips, irq latency,

Kind of a Zorn Game
of a conversation.

Probably have lots of conversations like that, but don’t notice it. This
one kind of stood out because after the subject blitz, I still didn’t
know what the cable was for.

I didn’t do much this weekend. Watched a lot of news on tv.

Did manage to work on the current “big” drawing for 8
hours or so. I think it’s close to finished now. Kind
of in the stage now where I stare at it for a while trying
to decide if I should stop now, or work on it for another week
or two.

Already discovered another obscure rpm bug this morning.
Apparently comparing an epoch of “0” and no epoch is
a bit wonky. Not that an epoch of 0 makes much sense,