python conference was fun. Python, the language that is, not the
snake. Snakes are icky.

Much to my surprrise I learned that the object system for python 2.2
is almost completely new. “old style” and “new style” classes live
in parallel. The good thing is that new style classes/objects look
way more powerful with only small syntax canges. Also good is
that built in types (ints/floats/strings/etc) are also now “new style”
classses and can be subclassed, etc. Also learned that scary
python people are just as scary as scary linux people.

Looks like Japan Air
got a decent blurb in the
Winston-Salem Journal
. Cool.

The Lake Trout/Japan Air show at the Attic was pretty cool. I got
to play merch booth babe for a while. The beard really says “buy
this cd”. The drive back from greenville at 3am was a bit rough.
I’m pretty sure we drove though Wilson five or six times.

Had a hippy who was selling some sort of handmade arts/craft
crap tell me “nah, you guys suck” when I jokingly offered to
trade a cd for whatever worthless cruft they were selling.

Next show is at Ziggy’s in winston-salem, so that should be fun.

Work is going about average. Kind of in a hurry up and wait. Heading
up to a python conference on Thursday. Might be interesting, havent
been to any sort of expo/conference in a while.

Odd to see a thread about math rock
on metafilter. Even odder that it’s mostly a good thread,
save for the required Rush bashing and your typical luddite-rock cries of “Billy Dead Rocker
could say more with one note!” blathering.

Japan Air is going to be playing a handful
of shows
with Lake Trout in the next week or
two in the area. Both bands are excellent. I’d suggest checking them out if you get
the chance.

I seem to be having issues with roadrunner. My router doesnt seem to be able
to get a dhcp request anymore. Somewhat concerning. Speaking of roadrunner,
they seem to have the ugliest web
site ever

On the odd and concerning note, mapquest plotted me directions to greenville,nc
that are 101.63 miles with an estimated driving time of 2 hours and 35 minutes.
ie, somewhere just under an average of 41mph. Hmmm.

sooperlooper. Linux based software looper. Interesting.

I’ve been avoiding anything music related on the computer for a while. I suspect this might
break that. I least till I get frustrated with it.

“you dont have to be a rocket surgeon to screw yourself in the foot”

Interesting day.

Note: All of kde+2.4 kernels+XFree4 == BIG.
RHN probabaly hit our all time high bandwidth useage today,
and even had to start temporarily turning away free users for
a bit.

Hung out with the Japan Air
guys a bit at Kitchen Mastering.
They were getting a cd mastered there, kind of interesting to watch the process.

Got some bug reports at least. The bugzilla entries for up2date were getting
kind of stale recently. I’m never sure if this is a good or a bad thing.

title seems to be the quote of the day. I love mixing cliches/metaphors.
It sends a shiver down my heart.


The Golden show was
surprisingly good. I wasnt sure what to expect not having ever heard them, or even
read a decent review of them. Interesting two guitar work, lots of circular off-kilter
polyrhythmns with the occasional heavy unison riff thrown in. Very Nice.

The opening band The Dynamite Brothers
were pretty cool as well. Kind of an uptempo blues rock verging on rockabilly at times. But
alot more interesting than that sounds.

I heard rumours that there are some rumours about a news report about another
news report about some rumours.

Discovered Nice Price Books in Carboro has an excellent used cd selection. Pick
up some “weird heavy shit” (to paraphase a friend…) like Scorn:Vae Solis and
M.J.Harris and Bill Laswell: Somnific Flux.
The former sounds like the more ambient Godflesh material. The latter sounds like the former
put through a reverse reverb. Weird.

Things you find when you attempt to clean up

Stumbled across a box containing various old
“promotional” material for a band I played with my
freshmen year of college. ie, a long time ago. Ah,

But since I’ve noticed that lots of people on LJ seem to
know various people I knew or people who knew people
who I knew at the time, I figured the list of “thanks yous”
from the cassette of said band might be interesting.

The list can be found here

To be honest, I didnt know 98% of the people listed at
the time, and remember any less now, but perhaps other
people do. Let me know if you see any names you
recongize. Always kind of fascinated by who knows who.

I-Cube X

I want one. I dont know what for, but I want one.

Heres an small, but odd coincidence. I was browsing in a local music
store the other day, and just happened to overhear a conversation
about some bluegrass one man band. The people discussing it did
it in enough detail that I’m sure it’s
Royer’s One Man Band
. The link for which I just kind of randomly stumbled
across today.