Interesting links that I wasted a few hours on today…

Marilyn is Wrong!
Web site about inaccuracies in the answers provides by Marilyn vos Savant in a column in Parade Magazine

The Skeptics Dictionary
You can never be too skeptical. Probabaly
Pretty much what it says.

I think one of the more interesting thing about all three sites above
is they routinely admit their errors, and show them clearly, and document
when and why they made changes. Nifty.

In the midst of the kind of thinking that accompanies about your 24th hour awake,
the following came to me:

Zeno’s Razor:
If you only do half of the work left, thats the simplest solution.

Occams Paradox:
The simplest solution will only get you halfway there.

Been browsing the site for the Lulu Tech Circus.
It’s starting to look pretty interesting. And for a $20 admission, I’m planning on
showing up. It’s an interesting idea at least. And for what it’s worth, the most
enjoyable trade shows I’ve been to were the early nc Linux Expo’s organized
by the same group of people, so there is hope.