soup is good food

A couple of friends from college dropped by unexpectedly. So I got
to hang out with them for a little while, and realize that large chunks
of my brain is only there to hold in-jokes and bizarre references for later
recovery at unpredictable times.

It also occured to me that except for people I work with, and local
friends, pretty much noone I know has seen me with a beard and
long hair. I tend to forget about that, and the reactions tend to catch
me off guard. Perhaps I should consider looking somewhat less

info update

added some apache tuning info to
my system tuning page. Most noteworthy, use of mod_proxy to proxy/cache.

Half tempted to go see “The Others” again. Saw it last weekend and was
fairly impressed. Might be interesting to see it again.

The former NC governor Jim Hunt came to speak at
Red Hat today, and I somehow managed to over sleep
and miss it. Wonder if he had anything interesting to say.


attempt to leave work “early” and get some sleep
backfired. I started fiddling around this site instead.
Oh well, it was worth a shot.
Looks to be an interesting place to eavesdrop, and mumble
the occasional lightly veiled cry for attention ;->
At least according to the commercial that just bounced
across tv, the new Janes Addiction tour is hitting arenas instead of clubs/ballrooms. Bleah. More instant nostalgia. Yay.