Wandered around for a couple of hours with badger on saturday.
Readers Corner, the Habitat For Humanity Reuse Center (Walmart is
to thrift store as Home Depot is to the Reuse Center). Saw a few interesting
things, prett good prices. Also picked up a used 4track at the Greenhouse
Art Gallery yard sale.

Played for an hour or so over at badger‘s place. I meandered
a bit on the first bit (seems to be a habit of mine…), then some fun
processing a loop and the handsonic with the rack of electrix gear.
Second bit mostly played trebly repeating figures to set a pulse.

Then wandered over to King’s for the (fake) mexican wrestling
extravaganza. Missed Renelvis’s
set, but caught Corn mo.

The highlight of the evening was the (fake) mexican wrestling of course. Quite
entertaining. Nothing quite like seeing one of your coworkers dressed up
in a giant burrito outfit decending from the ceiling on a chain. And that
was just the intro. I highly recomended it.

Ran into some folks I didn’t expect to see including several coworkers,
some of whom I would of assumed I would of never ran into at King’s
in my lifetime. Including one manager type from Germany. I wonder
if mexican wrestling is popular in Germany.