So, been thinking about what it would take to do some very large doodles. The
largest ones I’ve done so far are in the 18×24 inch range. But been thinking
more along the lines of the 8×8 foot range.

Now, the problem is, at the density I like to draw at with ball point pens,
a square foot takes about 16 hours. With bolder gel pens, maybe 6-8
hours. With a paint marker, maybe 2-3 hours. With brushes and acrylics,
maybe an hour. But then, I’m not very fond of the results with brushes
(total lack of brush technique, etc)

So figured I’d poke around some to see what kind of paint markers
were available, since I’ve only tried out one type. So off to
google we go.

Turns out three types of people are the primary users of
paint markers. “scrapbookers”, plastic model builders,
and “taggers”.

Which made something else apprent. Graphiti is
an industry.

For example, Bombing Science
Graphiti Shop
, UrbanDesignz,, etc. It’s
even international. See Free Style Graphiti,

And something heartwearming about there being a newsgroup (complete with
FAQ) about graffiti. Somewhere, there are a bunch of grafitti geeks sitting
around having a religous argument about what type of paint markers are the best.

And while stumbling around for that info, I stumbled onto a web page for
AMC Pacers. From a quick
browse of the links page, there seem to be alot of them.