show report

Saturday, went up to Charlotte Court House, VA to play a show at the 434Noisefest.

Based on some emails from the organizer, I wasn’t expecting much. The venue is an old house with power, but not a/c or running water. No house PA either.

But, it didn’t turn out too bad. Everything was pretty informal which helped work around the conditions. We got up there about 5pm, and watched a couple of sets. Some cool stuff. Played around 7:30 I believe for ~35 minutes.

Seemed to go okay. Started out on stick, using the ringmod. Don’t remember much else of what I played. I switched to fretless guitar for the second piece, but wasn’t really feeling it, so switched back to stick for the end of the piece.

One of the guys after our set was The Subliminator. He had a setup with a Boomerang looper and 4 alesis Air* boxes. Apparently, at some point or another, this guy had played with Hawkwind. And he totally looked like he could of played with Hawkwind. English accent, long hair, black unbuttoned silk shirt, black jeans, and plenty of road stories. Very rock and roll.

Talked to a bunch of folks, exchanged some email addresses, etc. All in all, not a bad way to spend a Saturday.