gimp-a-thon continues

So, after not making much process on two different patches ( my C skills are so sad…), I decided to try to write something useful
to folks, including windows users.

So that meant script-fu. Which means relearning the not-even-close-to-even-a-minimal-Scheme implementation. I quickly remembered why I stopped writing script-fu scripts. The language implementation is horrendous, impossible to debug, and solely lacking in useful features (like say, file i/o, string handling, etc).

So, I wrote something, and stumbled across an error I couldn’t figure out. So I google “script-fu debugging”.

The first result is a link to a page I wrote. Ouch.

Whats worse, after reading it, it helped. Double ouch.

Anyway, I wrote a script to convert “image packs” to a set of brushes. It can be found at
It’s called images-to-brushes.scm.