melt bananna

After another odd day, I headed down to Kings to see Melt Banana. I was running a little late, but was still surprised to see it sold out when I got there. So I waited outside for half an hour or so until enough folks left. In the meantime, chatted with Badger, base10, and other

Oddly, once inside, it didn’t seem all that packed. Definitely not as crowded as say, The Great Cover Up.

I only caught the last song of Vaz, so can’t really comment on them.

Melt Banana was good, and quite entertaining. But not nearly as loud and as intense as I was expecting. But then maybe I’m just biased in that regard. King’s
pa is a little underpowered for giving that kind of show its full impact.

The odd thing was, people were moshing. Party like it’s 1994. And I remember why that always annoyed me. It makes you pay attention to the crowd, instead of the show, and paying close attention to make sure your not going to get a boot in the head tends to make time go kind of slowly.