Downhill Battle – Music Activism

Downhill Battle – Music Activism

Interesting site for those of you opposed to the various music corporations[1].
Not sure I agree with them entirely, but at least they are smart enough to
write open source software tools
to help with there goals.

I say I don’t agree completely with them, because their main goal seems
to be to destroy major labels. Which I don’t disagree with, but I don’t
really care that much. Hate major labels? Dont buy from them.

The argument about radio stations makes a little more sense. I don’t
really care what music is on the radio myself, but sense it is
essentially federally dispensed “property” there should probably
be a bit more diversity in the corporations that are allowed to
use that resource.

I also tend to disagree a bit with the idea that it’s okay to
download music. It is copyrighted, and the copyright holders
have the right to limit distribution. No matter how evil
the copyright holders are. Now, that said, I do not believe they
need anymore enforcing power or influence on technology (aka,
see DMCA, INDUCE, various half cocked DRM ideas, etc).
I’m all for civil disobedience for something that important,
but “the new britney album is $19” doesnt exactly seem to
qualify to me.

That said, I think the best thing people making music opposed
to media corporations can do is to choose the license that there
music is distributed under wisely. The
Creative Commons
as an example.

[1] “major label” seems like a dumb term to me. It communicates nothing
to most folks about the concern is.