Visited my sister in Virginia over the weekend. Did not do much
of anything aside from eating and playing with my nephew.

Spent a couple hours monday tooling around on a street bike
in the back roads of northern virginia. Having never actually
ridden a street back before, that was pretty fun. I rode
my dad’s bike (a Suzuki Intruder 800 for the curious bike geeks…) while my dad borrowed a
friends Harley SomethingOrAnotherSter (they had ridden in the
Rolling Thunder even sunday).

Riding a street bike isn’t that much different than riding
a dirt bike. Though a few things took getting used to. Engine
braking is _much_ more effective on a 800cc 4 stroke than
on a 125 or 250cc two stroke. As in, downshifting is enough
to chirp the tires. I could be wrong, but it seems like
a 250cc two stroke is quicker than at least that bike. Or maybe
it just feels that way because of the interesting power curve
on a two stroke. A quick search online looks like they are about
the same power ranged (~40hp), so the dirt bikes probably are