Went to the David Cross show on Friday. Entertaining. Favorite joke
was (paraprased):

DC: “I was watching TV and that annoying program was… you know, the
one where the guy pretends to talk to a dead guy? And tells people
they can communicate with the dead guy too…? whats it called?”

various folks in the audience: “Crossing Over…”?

DC: “No, thats not it…. what was it… oh yeah, church!”

Went and purchased (or repurchased) a big pile of cd’s saturday.
Amongst others, the first 4 metallica albums, phillip glass “low”,
shawn colvin, a chet atkins/suzy boggus cd, sepultura “chaos/ad”,
the first Mr. Bungle, the new Blue Man Group, etc…

Also finally got around to buying a volume pedal. I only put that
off for about 5 years.

Sunday I mostly slept in an attempt to hide from a sinus headache.