Pollock’s Fractals

Interesting article about fractal analysis of Jackson Pollack’s drip paintings.
Interesting comments about what levels of complexity people find
estheticaly pleasing. Apparently people tend to find a certain
degree of complexity interesting.

Which makes me wonder about where the line between simplicity
and elegance (as most modern thoughts on design would have you
believe are the ultimate goals) and complexity and chaos stands.

Now that I think about it, I tend to lean towards things that are a
mix of the extremes. But then, it seems like that is probably true
of everyone.

I for one, do enjoy a lot of music and art that tends towards the
more complex and chaotic side. Things that seem noisy or busy
at first, but eventually reveal patterns, and perhaps more interestingly,
a large amount of “detail” for lack of a better word. Ie, a closer look/listen
will probably reveal something not noticed (at least, not consciously)
at first. I’d rather listen to a piece of music with a dozen barely noticeable
melodies intertwingling than one big obvious melody, for example.

This all made a lot more sense to me last night when I couldn’t sleep.