I think I have reached a new dangerous plateau…

I’ve started buying cd’s off of eBay. This could get
out of hand. I always knew it was there, just never
actually bothered to try to look for things. But
then I did. And I found things. And I bought things.
Weird, hard to find cd’s pop up like candy. Mmmm.

It’s times like this that I’m glad I’m both really cheap[*],
and fairly well payed. Otherwise I could
easily send myself into debt.

* the other day I was browsing the magazine section
of the book store and stumbled across Adbusters. I’ve
read other peoples copies before, but never actually
bought one. Sometimes you just need some good
glossy art-damaged self contradicting anti-corporate
reading material. So I was standing there, looking
at it and thinking “hmm, this is interesting, but gasp
$6.75! thats expensive.” And then I noticed the theme
of the issue was “I want you to curb your consumption”.
So I bought it.