testers are complaining that dist upgrades with up2date are slow.
And they are.

Part of this is new rpm stuff. Enough of it that its
hard to see what is and isnt.

But other than that, I need to make it fast.
Considering it:

– downloads about a gig of data
– downloads that data over ssl
– stats basically every file on the system
– performs somewhere on the order of half a million md5sums
– runs gnupg on about 1000 packages (about a gigs worth)
– gunzip/bunzip2’s about a gig of data
– performs lots and lots of DSA verification of headers
from the db (most of this is turned off, but still)
– cp just about every file on the system about 3 times
(once to a backup, once to put it on the filesystem, once to
build the repackage rpms)
– rebuilds about 1000 packages (this a completely
new unoptimized code path by the way…)
– gzip/bzips about 1000 packages (about a gig)
– solves a dep graph that can consist of about
1500 nodes and somewhere about 30,000 edges

That should just fly by!

The good/bad news is that all my profiling so far points
to rpm just being slow for the bits that don’t fall into
the above. Grumble.