think I griped and bitched and complained enough that the former
webhoster is going to give me a full refund. Lets see, didnt
meet the 99.9% uptime promise for the year in a little under
three weeks. Lost all the daily backups. Never made a tape
backup. Had a server compromised because the machine
was out of date (probably pisses me off slightly more than
most folks…). No notification of the outage. Whined like
a 5 year old when I asked about the server status. I
think that adds up to a full refund.

Code backport hit a few snags.

Japan Air show on Saturday at Humble Pie. Everyone
should go. All the cool kids are doing it. Theres going
to be balloons and face painting. And cranes. And
all the fruit rollups you can eat before you vomit.

Argh, I cant belive I’ve got to write that content
for the third time.