Attempted to be a bit social and headed out to Kings for Zombie Room/NPAV.

Walked in, talked to moonfl0wer, gretchen, and badger a bit. Had a bit of a discussion
about the “it’s a small world” feel of Raleigh at times (at times, it seems like just about
everyone knows someone I know). In this case, mainly talking about Joe L and Josh
from the “butt nekkid and flaming jesi” days.

Then of course, I walk over to watch NPAV, and realized the guy standing next to
me is joel, the new QA guy that works about 2 cubes away from me. He
is friends with James from NPAV. Point made.

Talked to joe for a while. Nice to seem him, since I don’t think I’d seen him
in 3 or 4 years. Pretty cool. Much geeking about music gear.

I should of probably stuck around and tried to be a bit more social, but
alas. Rumor seems to be that may be the last Zombie Room (and the first
I went to). See what happens when I show up? ;->