The Lexicon Vortex finally arrived.
That in combo with the “Snarling Dogs Mold Spore Wah/Ring Modulator”
should make for interesting noises. If nothing else, the latter wins for most interesting name for something
to plug a guitar into. Also got a couple of digitech delay pedals on the way (the pds-* “double
pedal” variety for those that care). I used to have one and got rid of it for reasons I dont remember.

Finally got the up2date errata out the door. It seems like it took ages. The new version seems
to be pretty good except for one report of it failing on lilo.confs with ‘boot=”/dev/hda”‘. (ie, the
name of the boot device quoted). I have something like 130 lilo.confs in the test suite and
none of them have that. Grrr.

Posted by request of flavor. I need to find more vaguely interesting
images to post.