guitar hacking

So, with the fretless conversion pretty successful, now I’m thinking about other guitar hacks to try. I might try converting another cheap guitar into a slide guitar. Thats a pretty standard conversion, so shouldn’t be too bad.

It would be cool to have some sort of sustainer[1] on the fretless (or the regular guitars as well). There is a mostly[2] interesting thread at Project Guitar about building DIY sustainers. So that would make an interesting project. Maybe a slide guitar with a sustainer.

Or perhaps go the Sonic Youth/Glen Branca route and tune one so all the strings are the same note. For a while I’ve been thinking about getting a electric 12 string and putting a high tuning on it (aka, more or less a 12 string Nashville Tuning). Just for chimy shimmering chordal stuff.

[1] A sustainer is just a device that causes guitar strings to continue vibrating. An E-bow is an example of a sustainer.

[2] The thread has 600+ posts in it, so a lot of noise comes with a lot of signal.

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