phasmatodea show review

The second Phasmatodea show was last night at Bickett Gallery.

Seemed to go pretty well. I enjoyed it. Whether or not
anyone did I’m not sure about ;-> But folks seems to
like it, so I’ve got no complaints.

Got there around 8pm, Birds In A Meadow and Projexorcism
were there, just starting setup. We setup in the back.
Got everything setup, sound check’ed, and tuned.

(thats marty from Birds In A Meadow in the back…)

Birds in a Meadow started up a little after 9:30pm. Jazzy
saxophone accompanying laptop based processor and what
sounded like graunular synths. Pretty cool.

We started up shortly after 10pm, which was cool since
it allowed a couple friends to make it out to show after

We setup opposite the way we did last time (me on the
left, badger to the right.) The theory being that since
I spent most of the last show facing to the right staring
at a wall, this time I’d be more facing the crowd.

But the nerves and some unconscious habits caused me
to end up facing away from badger and the audience for
most of the crowd. I really need to get out of that

We decided on a vague theme for the first piece of “humidity”. So
lots of bubbly bits and whatnot. I’d describe what exactly we
played, but I can’t really remember it that well.

As far as I know, know one got a recording of the show. Normally
I don’t mind not recording anything, but I kind of feel like I
should at least listen to a recording of live shows to hear
what exactly it is I’m inflicting upon people.

I’m not sure I remember anything about the second piece
we did. But a couple of folks said it was there favorite.
Go figure.

Third piece I remember bits of. Mostly starting out with a very
minimal digital glitchy type loop over some drones badger had
setup. From there it eventually merged into me playing what
I at least thought was a nice melodic bit. It seemed to
me that we hadn’t been that melodic to that point, so I’d
figured that would be a good way to end stuff.

Overall, it went well. No one threw anything, and folks
seemed to applaud at least ;->

My only complaints were about my own playing. I felt if
I wasn’t being as interactive with badger’s playing as
I generally like to be. It’s kind of a pet peeve of mine
when improvised groups seem to all be working independtly
of each other, so I try to avoid that. Last night however,
I wasn’t as pro active about that as I should be.

I also felt like I was having trouble coming up with interesting
parts. Not until the last piece was I happy with the melodic
bits I was coming up with. The other issue was I felt like
I was over playing a bit and dominating the mix. Part of
that I think was nervous warping my concept of time. Aka,
I’d play something for 10 seconds or so and my brain starts
telling “okay! enough! move onto something else!” when I
probabaly should of let stuff gel and develop a bit more.

Pretty good attendance at the show for this kind of
event, and I thank folks for coming out. Much appreciated.

And thanks to base10 for the photos via
saspenguin camera.