I ordered a Soundbug from thinkgeek
and it arrived yesterday.

It’s more or less a speaker/transducer with a suction cup attached for
attaching it to windows and other smooth services. Theres a small
powered amp in it for driving the transducer, and you a headphone
style cable.

The sound quality is adequate, more or less what I expected. I
wasn’t looking for $10k flat panel speakers or anything.

In fact, it seems to work okay for the main purpose I bought
one. Attaching it directly to a guitar/chapman stick. And it
does basically what I expected it to, which is somewhat
simulating standing in front of a very loud amp.

aka, it’s seems useful for getting feedback at low volume
levels, which is what I was looking for. It can be a little
picky as to placement, and the feedback can be a bit
hard to control (kind of lack standing in front of a cranked
amp, but not being able to move/twist/change orientation/etc)

It would be nice if the suction cup were smaller so it could
more easily stick to the headstock, but alas. It’s
not exactly a
, but a lot cheaper.

Now to wait for the other cheap electronic noise toys I
bought to arrive. I have evil plans.