imap hosting?

Anyone have recommendations for personal imap mail hosting? I have a web hoster account with pop/imap, but no subfolder support with imap. If I’m going to use imap, I’d prefer that. I like to have my mail storage centralized, and organized.

If they offer ssh access and mutt, that would be even better.

Basically, just looking for a way to read mail without having to ssh into a particular box, but it would be nice if I could.
It kind of goes without saying that the cheaper, more reliable, and the larger the quota the better.

Update: On closer inspection, it looks like I can probably do what I want with the existing web host accounts I have. The docs on “folders” and “subfolders” confused me. Apparently they support folders, but not “subfolders” which I assume that means only a two level deep hiearchy, which is fine.

Indeed. Got it working, procmail and all. At least so far.