What I’ve been up to recently:

shows seen:
– Scotty Irving doing a live soundtrack to The Lost World at Bickett Gallery
– Jonas Hellborg and crew at Temple Ball

Code I’ve written:
– a start at a meta package manager for osx
(this would be a lot easier if they only had say,
one, or two common packaging systems).

– Various boring `firstboot` stuff.

useful osx apps found:
uControl (simple keyboard remap utility, but it
at least lets me create a right-ctrl key that my
brain is hardwired to use)
(replacement trackpad driver that lets you map “tap on touchpad” to
ctrl-click, amongst other things)
OSXvnc vnc server
(very handy when used in combo with X2Vnc on my linux desktop)

(hmm, i need to hack in a –last mode into the meta package manager so
I can see what I installed recently)

I’m getting used to OSX. Theres still a lot of ui issues that annoy
me, but I’m slowly finding workarounds. I’ve not had much luck finding
a devel enviroment I like. So far I’m stuck using vim+terms. The main
thing I’m looking for is good python support, syntax highlighting, and
some concept of having mutltiple files open in the same window. I don’t
really understand how people can stand having a top level window open
up for every source file your editing, especially given the relatively
poor window management of osx. I’d love to get a gui xemacs that
works for osx.