Went to the Trans Am show. Seemed like a short set, but a good mix
of old stuff. Apparently they finished the new album yesterday.

Poking away at work stuff. multilib makes my brain hurt. This code so
needs to be rewritten with the last dozen or so no longer true assumptions
in mind. Need to write some docs for various new bits that are
not yet documented (the apt/yum/dir thing in particular…)

I bought a ton of junk food (er, “non-perishable” food) a few days ago,
and have been eating much too much of it. Need real food.

Pondering going to the Tom Heasley
show tonight at the Nightlight.

How can one resist a show billed as “ambient tuba”.

And it seems, depending on what source you look at,
Clang Quartet
may be playing as well.

Theres just the small problem of me feeling like crap for the last
couple days, which seems to be continueing.